We inspire with first class test and measurement solutions worldwide.
produktiv messen
Die imc Test & Measurement AG Schweiz ist ein modernes Systemhaus, das messtechnische Produktlösungen und Dienstleistungen rund um die physikalische Messtechnik anbietet. Dabei adressieren wir vorwiegend experimentelle, messtechnische Anwendungen innerhalb der Entwicklung, Forschung und im Bereich Testing im Maschinenbau, Anlagenbau und in der Energietechnik. Basis des Angebotes sind die leistungsstarken Messgeräte und Messmodule der Firma imc Test & Measurement GmbH in Berlin.
Implement test installations quickly with this adaptable plug connector
LEMO connectors are widely used as a quasi-standard in measurement technology, especially in automotive tests. In terms of handling, however, LEMO…
Crisp, Cold, and Always Fresh
How superfoods stay reliably cool even in summer - thanks to an imc DAQ solution.
More Than a Bridge Amplifier: The New imc ARGUSfit B-4 Module
With the new and universally applicable imc ARGUSfit B-4 measurement module, imc expands the range of applications for the modular clickable imc ARGUS…
imc FAMOS - data analysis framework
Try our powerful software for measurement data analysis. No matter where the data originates – test stand, test setup or mobile measurement – imc FAMOS combines all the tools you need for professional visualization and analysis of your data: from data importing to print-ready reports.
Increase your productivity with imc FAMOS
More than 1,000 companies rely on successful measurement solutions from imc.

